Sunday, February 22, 2009


Okay, so here is my complaint for the day...yeah, I am just frustrated.
I have purposely avoided some of my friends blogs due to their life situations and my own...I personally have been through alot in my life with my husband and survived every second...though difficult alot of the times with the military involved, it has been a huge blessing to have the military a part of our lives. Out of the 7 1/2 years of marriage Wes and I have been together a whole 2 years and some odd months. How couldn't you dislike the military for that? BUT like I said there is blessings that come from everything.
We have survived, and now we are on to bigger and better opportunities in our life. Wes has applied to MANY different police departments and is testing like mad. He has already passed one test for a city, and has one in Waco, and one in San Antonio next month. He will be all ready to get out of the military! I am so proud of him and the effort he makes every day to help our family be in the best possible situations. I am also working hard, and have been chosen for Partner of the Month runner for this month!! I was Partner of the month for March in 2007. I would love to have the title again..and my picture for a year!! Oh yeah and the 50 dollar gift card from the store. Ha ha ha. I am also working with Mary Kay and trying to find time to do it...I really wish I was able to get more time to do it. This week I am not working that much at HEB so I am going to be trying hard to get some bookings. Anyway, I guess for today my rantings and ravings I want one thing to be remembered....ALWAYS be grateful for your situation EVERY single matter how difficult, it will get you some where even better another day. Love everyone as much as you can, no matter WHO they are. And remember someone out there has things alot more difficult than you, so don't be too quick to complain about something that someone else would be more than happy to take on.


Marie said...

I love ya! Good luck with Mary Kay!

Jilane said...

I am so proud of you and your family. You are right. Life does sometimes throw difficult situations at you. You have both risen above the crap and are a much better family for it. I love you to death. Take care.

Becky said...

Good job Faith!

If you need to vent, chat with me anytime - I'm usually always on Facebook :)

Aubrey Anne said...

You are very lucky to have this outlook on life. I come naturally with a major LIFE SUCKS attitude that I have to fight hard to overcome (and generally fail to do). I also believe, though, that everyone gets their particular trials for a reason, usually because that's the set of circumstances that they can handle and that will challenge them the most. I guess I figure when people complain about their situation (that is easier than my own), they are getting something that they themselves can barely handle... maybe I could handle it better, but the Lord gave me something more difficult because I have already learned that lesson and have a higher tolerance.

You really have been through more than most people I know, and I'm so excited Wes is getting the opportunities he deserves!! :)